Centre for DaNce and Performing Arts Production in Sardegna
⟶ FUORIMARGINE- Center for Dance and Performing Arts Production in Sardinia is the expression of an articulated artistic field, thanks to a flexible and welcoming structure of different directions and personalities, attentive to research and experimental dance. It supports and produces artists characterised by a professional path already strong in international collaborations and recognitions who, starting from the investigation of the body and movement, use multiple linguistic codes, interacting with the complex network of expressive and symbolic forms of contemporary art. Within the framework of a differentiated action, it creates new space for young dancers and performers who have a relationship with the territory – birth, residence or affinity – providing the opportunity to corroborate their training and to benefit professionally from encounters with choreographers, curators and performers from different and rich artistic experiences.
⟶ In everyday language, the margin stands for the definition of a space or the separation of two places that, in a bijective way, identify dimensions and contours of a property. These are relations of possession that tend to connect areas to people, in order to define their identity and in time stabilise a power that justifies their use. The margin does not have its origin in nature but in social relations that establish hierarchies. In nature there are no margins. Those elements that in history have often been used as boundaries – rivers, seas, lakes – in nature had a pre-eminent function of connection and transmission.
⟶ BEING OUTSIDE THE LIMITS means refusing a defining logic of a univocal, categorising and stable identity, but proposing oneself as a dynamic and processual element, capable of encompassing within itself multiple expressive, linguistic and communicative differences. It means escaping a scanning of time limited to the present moment and its foundation in the custom of the past, and projecting oneself towards the future of a design to come. To change into an attitude of responsible inclusiveness and perspective.
Staff & Collaborators
President: Attilio Falchi
Artistic direction: Momi Falchi and Giulia Muroni
Institutional relations: Tore Muroni
Technical direction: Giacomo Sanna
Production and staging: Serena Trevisi Marceddu
Secretariat and organisation: Carla Bocchetta
General organization: Alessia Meloni
Communication: Valentina Pau
Press: UC studio
Technical support: Filippo Cossu e Yann Arthus Hamelin
Visual identity and design: Subtitle
Photography: Laura Farneti – Le pomme Piccolo Studio di Fotografia Mobile
Video: Nicola Federico Onnis
Press reviews
Below you will find articles about performances, new productions and activities of Fuorimargine.
Reportage di fine anno. La danza al bivio #2
Stefano Tomassini, Teatroecritica
Lista dei festival di danza e performance più interessanti in Italia a fine settembre 2023
Laura Bevione, Artribune
Cagliari, l’autunno danza con Hominal, Rizzo, Bertozzi e D’Agostin
Walter Porcedda, Gli Stati Generali
Danza e nuovi linguaggi del corpo, tra Cagliari e Nuoro torna il festival internazionale Autunno Danza
Redazione, Nemesis Magazine
Autunno Danza, il festival sul corpo in movimento arriva a Cagliari e Nuoro
Redazione, Exibart
Autunno Danza torna il festival che celebra il corpo e i suoi movimenti
Carolina Manca, L’unione Sarda
Art Bonus
The Art Bonus is one of the urgent provisions for the protection of the cultural heritage, the development of culture and the revival of tourism. It is a facilitating measure in the form of a tax credit, introduced by Art. 1 of Decree-Law No. 83/2014, to encourage liberal donations in support of culture.
In particular, the donor (natural person or legal entity) of a liberal disbursement made for interventions in favour of culture and entertainment will be able to benefit from a facilitated tax regime to the extent of a tax credit equal to 65% of the disbursements made as from 2014. The 2016 Stability Law stabilised and made permanent the Art Bonus, a 65% tax credit for liberal donations in support of culture.
Donations should be directed to support Fuorimargine’s projects by indicating these details:
⟶ BENEFICIARY Spaziodanza Association
⟶ BANK IT09D03069048521000011309
⟶ CAUSE Art Bonus – Spaziodanza – tax code of the person making the donation – name of the activity to be supported (Festival)
Send us the receipt to segreteria@fuorimargine.eu
(for tax purposes, simply keep the transfer slip)
The general principle of transparency, as set out in Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14 March 2013, is understood as ‘total accessibility’ of information concerning the organisation and activities of the administration. The aim of the rule is to encourage widespread control over the work and use of resources. The publication of data in this section fulfils the obligations laid down in Article 9 of the “Valore Cultura” Decree no. 91 of 8 August 2013, coordinated with conversion law no. 112 of 7 October 2013, which provides as follows
Urgent provisions to ensure the transparency, simplification and effectiveness of the system of public contributions to performing arts and cinema.
2. Performing arts organisations and bodies, financed by the Single Fund for the Performing Arts pursuant to Law no. 163 of 30 April 1985, or pursuant to Law no. 662 of 23 December 1996, and subsequent amendments, shall publish and update the following information concerning the holders of top administrative and artistic appointments and managerial appointments, for any reason whatsoever, as well as collaboration or consultancy appointments
(a) Details of the deed of appointment.
b) The Curriculum Vitae;
c) The remuneration, however denominated, relating to the employment, consultancy or collaboration relationship.
The information referred to in paragraph 2 shall be published by the entities and bodies by 31 January of each year and shall be updated thereafter.No sums may be disbursed to the aforesaid entities for any reason whatsoever until the notification of the fulfilment or update.
OFFICE – SURNAME AND NAME – TERM OF OFFICE – GROSS REMUNERATION 2023- Chairman and Director: Falchi Attilio
Continuous coordinated collaboration with registration in the separate management of Inps Appointment from 20/12/2021 to 31/12/2026
Remuneration: unpaid voluntary work
– Artistic Direction: Raimonda (Momi) Falchi
Continuous coordinated collaboration for the purpose of artistic direction of the association Appointment from 20/12/2021 to 31/12/2026
Remuneration: € 3.000,00
-Artistic direction and programming: Giulia Muroni
Part-time permanent contract
Appointment from 20/12/2021 to 31/12/2026
Remuneration: € 19.989,00
– Employment consultancy assignment: Annalisa Giorgi
Appointment from 20/12/2021 to 31/12/2026
Remuneration: € 13.113,05
Ministero Italiano della Cultura FNSV art. 26 – Centri di Produzione della Danza – Prime Istanze triennali: € 214.500,00
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport L.R. n°1 1990- art.56: € 36.240,00
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport delibera n°18/11 del 18/05/2023: € 130.000,00
Fondazione di Sardegna: € 15.000,00
Curriculum Vitae Raimonda Falchi ↗
Curriculum Vitae Attilio Falchi ↗
Curriculum Vitae Giorgi Annalisa ↗
Curriculum Vitae Giulia Muroni ↗