Kelly Ardens

Il Margine

01-07/07/2024, Cagliari

⟶ from Monday 1 to Subnday 7 July

Fuorimargine from 1 to 7 July hosts Kelly Ardens in residence with “Il Margine”, her first authorial performance.

“Il Margine” is a tale in the making about mental health: a tale because Kelly Ardens, her chaotic storyteller, starts from her experience as a person with borderline personality functioning, and in the making because it feeds on emotions, contradictions and questions that, perhaps, do not have an answer but remain vibrating in the air, sometimes light and volatile, sometimes heavy as a boulder.

Kelly imagines ‘The Margin’ as an open construction site, where anything is still possible. O
as Bell Hooks would say: “A place capable of offering us the possibility of a
from which to look, imagine alternatives and new worlds […] A space of resistance.
resistance. A space I have chosen’.

The preview of the performance will be presented within FAROUT Live Arts Festival 2024 at BASE Milano in October